Ecstasy and Tranquillity

Working on these paintings evolved as part of my
Continuing process of bringing order to my thoughts
And understanding the profound relevance of one’s faith.
The faith that evolved from a tradition of devotion to a ‘Creator’.

Childhood memories have played tenacious role in
Returning to the images from mythology – intensifying the
Experience so that it becomes more vividly real.
The  Practices and paths become less relevant when the
Ultimate ecstasy is same. Such unflinching faith helps one
Find a way blundering through the dense undergrowth of
Ones min, the high altitude of soul.

It is this faith that has kept us on the track that in
Silent suffering engulfed the reality beyond pain and gave
Sheer ecstasy that lead to tranquillity.

Very plainly set forth in Tagore’s song –

Not my way of salvation, to surrender the world!
Rather for me the taste of Infinite freedom
While yet I am bound by a thousand bonds to the wheel….

In each glory of sound and sight and scent
I shall find Thy infinite joy abiding: my passion shall burn as
The flame of salvation.
The flower of my love shall become the ripe fruit of devotion.

Goldy Malhotra

Dervish Ecstasy - 1

(oil on canvas 36" X 36")

Dervish Ecstasy - 2

(oil on canvas 36蠴8༯p>

The Whirling Dancer

(oil on canvas 18蠲4༯p>

Meera's Ecstasy

(oil on canvas 36" x 48")

Radha's Ecstasy

(oil on canvas 36" x 48")

Thakur's Ecstasy

(oil on canvas 36" x 48")

Floating Diyas - Haridwar

(oil on canvas 36" x 48")

prayer Flags - Leh

(oil on canvas 36" x 48")

The Varanasi Ghat

(oil on canvas 30" x 40")

Shiv Parvati - Sheer Ecstasy

(oil on canvas 36" x 36")

Tranquillity - The Diamond Sutra

(oil on canvas 24" x 30")

Tranquillity - The Lotus Sutra

(oil on canvas 24" x 30")


(oil on canvas 24" x 30")


(oil on canvas 24" x 30")


(oil on canvas 30" x 40")

Shiva's Family

(oil on canvas 36" x 48")

Ganesha - The Dancer

(oil and acrylic on canvas 36" x 36")

Ganesha - The Scribe

(oil on canvas 36" x 36")

The Contented Lord

(oil on canvas 36" x 36")

Ganesha - The Singer

oil on canvas 36" X 36"

The Reclining Ganesha

oil on canvas 36" x 48"

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等到一个周期用完,摸着胸部的手感不太一样了,虽然还看不出来变大;明显变大是两个周期快用完的时候丰胸产品,穿原来的内衣觉得紧了;等到三个周期全部用完,我的胸部饱满挺拔了很多 丰胸方法,一点都不瘪了,感觉和没生孩子之前差不多了呢。产后怎样健康丰胸?后来我又追加了一个周期丰胸食物,一方面是为了巩固效果,另一方面也希望胸部能再饱满一些,毕竟爱美永无止境嘛丰胸效果